Our Team

Hello! My name is Kristina Shevchenko 
and I am the director of the 
international dating club ”Your dating club”

   I have been the director of the dating club since 2007. Till that time I worked in the field of education. I worked as lecturer at the University and was creating my own business at the same time.
     I have been working with women since I was 18 and I leant how to understand their needs, problems, ideas on the relationships. So teaching is my hobby now)
   But the ability to communicate with women and global respect to manhood play the key role in my work now. I have found my vocation so to say. There are a lot of questions which women and men ask me before the registration in our dating club.
    One of the most popular questions from men is –what kind of women do address to the meeting agency? Are they serious?
     I want to say, my dear men that there are different women either in your country or here in Russia or Ukraine. As a rule if a woman comes to the international marriage agency she is absolutely serious as this step is not very simple and easy. Most women in the agency are family oriented, don’t want to waste time for millions of letters, prefer real meeting as soon as possible.
     Of course there are difficulties because of difference in culture, mentality and the language barrier. But these are not the problems, which can't be solved. In my dating club we work a lot with women and men to help them understand the culture and the mentality. The language should be learnt and that's it) it will take some time, but the most important thing is that a man and a woman have chemistry, have deep emotional connection.
     It is very important for you, my dear men, to understand what kind of woman you want to see next to you. My team of well-educated and experienced managers and an experienced psychologist will help you with it with pleasure. The managers in my dating club speak English, French and German. So addressing to us you will get all the answers in your native language.
    I have been married for 15 years and I know from my own experience how to build a happy marriage or happy relationships. I always advise my clients’ men and women what to do in this or that situation to avoid cultural or personal mistakes. I try and do my best to prevent my clients from making the mistakes, which were made by other clients and by me myself in the past.
     The scientists say that Slavic women are ideal for relationships and marriage and of course you will ask yourself why so)))
     I have the answer-Slavic women are very beautiful and feminine. They are brought up to be a wife and a mother, to take care about her man and about the house.  But At the same time they are hardworking and you will hardly find your slavic woman lying on the sofa all the time and reading magazines.)
That is why Slavic wife is the best choice!
     When we have a match, I feel great happiness. After all, what could be nicer than to connect the heart, to make people happy? Our dating club has a large list of happy couples. And everyone is happy in his own way. Some women have completely dedicated themselves to the family and children. Some on the contrary have learnt the language and continued working by their profession.
      Every person must be loved and happy either it is a man or a woman. You should just WANT it with all your heart and YOUR DATING CLUB will help you with finding your happiness and love.

Ekaterina Blinova
Client Manager of the Agency "Your Dating Club"
     Hello, Dear men. My name is Ekaterina. I am the manager of the international marriage agency "Your Dating Club".
     I have been working in the agency for 8 years. I am very glad that once the fate gave me this opportunity, because for me, "Your Dating Club" is  not just a job,but  the thing that gives me inspiration, positive emotions, good mood.
  After all, what could be better than  connecting hearts. We believe that everyone should love and be loved. You, dear men, are very welcome in our agency. And we will make every effort to help you  become happy.

Vlad Ershov
 IT-director of the Agency
"Your Dating Club"

     Hello, Dear men. My name is Vlad. I am the IT-manager of the international marriage agency "Your Dating Club".
           I have been working in the agency for 4 years. I am a psychologyst by profession and it really helps me in the job I do here in the agency. 
          I love what I do here. I am really willing and do my best in  helping single men and women unite. Welcome to "Your Dating Club"

Svetlana Shevchenko
 Client Manager of the Agency "Your dating Club"
   Hello, Dear men. My name is Svetlana. I am the client manager of the international marriage agency "Your Dating Club".
        I have been working in the agency since 2007  years.   Before that I worked as a teacher.But  soon I realized it was not my cup of tea. I became a  stylist and a fashion designer. I worked in this area for a long time and worked with women mostly. I learned to understand their needs and concerns!                      
       One happy occasion  brought me into matchmaking business. Design is now just a hobby for me. But the ability to communicate with women plays a key role in my work today.
   It is very important that every woman knew exactly what she wants,what men she wants to see next to her. And I always try to help  understand what a woman really wants, what  her innermost desires are. 
   When I see that I really helped two people to find each other , I feel great happiness. After all, what could be nicer than to connect the hearts, to make people happy.
    Our agency's a large list of happy couples. And everyone is happy in his own way. Some women completely dedicate themselves to the family and children. Some on the contrary learn the language and continue  working . 
  Every woman and every man should be loved and happy.  You just need to want it. And we will be happy to help you find happiness.Welcome to "Your Dating Club"

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