Dating Tips & Hints

      Our dear Friend! Let us give you several advice, which are sure to help you in the search of your darling and in the building of your future relationships. 
     First of all you should keep in mind the difference in mentality between European and Slavic countries,be patient to the language barrier which can happen between you and your lady.Our team, which consists of professional managers only with a huge experience, will always help you and give advice on how to understand Slavic women better. Our main mission is to help people from different countries and with different mentality search for each other and create happy families. 
       I want to meet several women and I can’t make my choice.
You desire is real and feasible!!! Of course it is difficult to understand your feelings and emotions as only real meeting, not virtual communication can help in this situation. Let us give you a very important advice here-if you want to visit several women you’d better keep it in secret form them. It will be a noble action, which will help your women keep calm. The thing is that Slavic women are monogamic by nature and are very devoted to their man. So the information that they will have to share you with somebody else can be rather negative for them.That is why it is better to keep it in secret.
      I don’t know how to behave on our first meeting.
This matter bothers either men or women without the exception. The main thing is to be natural and open-that is what women want and expect from men. You should remember about high level of moral values of Slavic women. Your woman can be quite reserved.Don’t take it as refusal and don’t think that may be the woman doesn’t like you. The etiquette demands the woman to be careful and reserved with a stranger (even if you corresponded with the lady –this is your first real meeting). Our advice is-talk to your woman as Slavic ladies adore talking and you can easily impress her with telling something interesting and the woman will open herself to you before you know it.
     I am concerned about the language barrier! What to do?
First of all we want to say that the language barrier is not a problem,but a temporary difficulty. The person who has decided to find his beloved one in some other country should be ready for it, can you agree? 
  During your first meeting you shouldn’t worry that the incomprehension can ruin your just born relations.You can use the service of the interpreter, who is a skilled specialist and who will be not only your interpreter, but your assistant and advisor and ,if you want,  your interpreter can be also your guide who will help organize cultural program for you and your lady. 
    We want to pay your attention to the thing that a serious woman, who will look at you as her man of destiny,she will need the communication with you and will be very interested in your past and your future,she will need a lot of information as she plans to be with you all her life. So be ready to a lot of questions. 
     I come to the country where my lady lives. Where to stay in?
While organizing the meeting you will have the choice to stay in a hotel or to rent an apartment.It is you who choose, but we want you to know that Slavic women really adore cooking and love to cook for their beloved. Your lady will be willing to cook something special for you and if you stay in a hotel it will be impossible, but if you rent a flat you are sure to have special dinners and may be you will want to take part in it and cook together. 
     How to organise leisure time?
During your stay in Ukraine or Russia, you will want to arrange interesting leisure for your darling and you will be interested to visit the interesting sights yourself. But how can you do this if it is your first visit to the country? Very simple! Our team will help you create a tourist route taking into account all your wishes and interests. Also, your translator, if you wish so, will be able to perform the role of a  tour guide for you and your lady.  

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